A unique Continuing Education opportunity with Horsemanship Clinician John Saint Ryan.
Phone Consultations:
• These consultations offer personalized assistance for individuals seeking confidential help with their questions, problems, or unique situations related to horsemanship.
• To schedule: please send your email to : dragon@johnsaintryan.com , and include your name, email address, phone number, desired consultation duration, several alternative times, and a brief summary of your question.
• You will receive a confirmation within 24 hours, providing appointment details.
Phone Consultation Pricing:
• $40 for 20 minutes
• $60 for 40 minutes
Video Lessons:
• Video lessons offer flexibility, allowing riders to overcome obstacles like scheduling conflicts or lack of access to in-person instruction.
• They provide personalized feedback without the need for travel expenses.
• These lessons aim to provide feedback and assistance to riders seeking to improve their relationship with their horses.
• Participants can send an email or message including a short video of their work with their horse and what their goals and concerns are.
• John will then contact you directly over the phone to discuss these videos and will assign exercises to improve both horse and rider, offering clear suggestions for improvement.
Please include the following in an e-mail or message:
• Your name:
• Horses name:
• Horses age:
• Experience:
• Years owned:
• Average time spent with the horse: (eg. daily interaction, twice a week, weekend etc)
• Goals:
• Problems:
• up to three short video clips no more than 5 minutes in length
Video Lesson Pricing:
• $100 including the review of the video and 40 minute phone discussion.
Payment for Consultations and Video Lessons via Paypal to john@johnsaintryan.com
Thank you Donna Morton from DownUnderPhotography for the image
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